Adding Flexibility

Sept. 1, 2015
UW-Madison’s Varsity Room needed operable panels that were easy for student staff to operate and attractive enough to complement its prairie-style design.
University of Wisconsin-Madison
CHALLENGE:A LEED Gold project, Union South at the University of Wisconsin-Madison hosts hundreds of university events per semester; the Varsity Room is one of the most-used spaces on campus due to the university-run hotel located within the facility. Union South designers were looking to add operable walls to divide ballrooms and act as a sound barrier. INFLUENCE:The Frank Lloyd Wright prairie-style-inspired architecture of the Union South combines beauty with optimal flexibility. SOLUTION:

Hufcor 600 Series panels move effortlessly on overhead aluminum tracking systems that are time-tested for durability and smooth operation. Since many flexible set ups are required each week, the facility needed panels that could operate smoothly, so any of the mainly student banquet setup staff could move these tall panels. In addition to the operable panels that divide the ballrooms, Hufcor installed a custom timber-framed sliding door system to provide egress from each of the meeting spaces. The doors offer panic swing doors and can be folded and stacked into adjacent storage closets, allowing free fl ow into common areas outside the meeting rooms.


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