Adding Acoustics

March 19, 2019
Boston, Ma.
Gettys Group

Gettys Group design for the lobby of the Godfrey Hotel in Boston illustrates the importance of supplementing a surface’s discussion with an acoustics addendum. The design and materials exemplify a chic method of dampening acoustics in an open lobby setting. The hotel’s proximity to the harbor and the importance of the Charles River inspired an understated nautical theme. “We really enjoyed working on the lobby feature wall behind the check-in desk,” recalls Ben Nicholas, Design Principal “We added Soundwave Bella felt acoustic panels to the back wall, which are a nice contrast to the many hard surfaces throughout the lobby.”

The panels on the wall behind the reception desk mimic the way light reflects off of water, notes Scott Durst, Design Director. “The rotated angular panels create a subtle movement that resembles flowing water.” The panels are not only aesthetically pleasing, but serve as a purpose to help mitigate the sound reverberation. 

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