On the Wing

June 29, 2020

Heritage Elementary School in Tahlequah, Okla., by Crafton Tull, features nearly 87,000 sq. ft. of Galvalume Snap-Clad panels. The roof design on each classroom wing features three different levels that minimize mass and offer a sleek look. The 24-gauge steel Snap-Clad panel profile was specified as an option by the architect. “The detailing was complicated and required custom tapered valleys and transitions from each level of the wings,” said Jason Irvin, branch manager of Harness Roofing in Tulsa, the installing contractor. Many of the panels were up to 60-ft. long and were fabricated on-site using Petersen’s portable roll-forming equipment provided from its Tyler, Texas, plant. “The longer panels were lifted onto the roof using a crane and spreader bar,” Irvin said. “The shorter panels were manufactured in Tyler, crated and shipped to us.” The panels are offered in a 30-year-non-prorated finish warranty. A weathertightness warranty is also available

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