Welcome Radiant

Dec. 18, 2020

Climate Mat delivers the advantages of radiant heating and/or cooling within a package that increases affordability and labor-efficiency for mid- and large-scale jobs. Unlike typical radiant tubing installations, which require that individual lengths of tubing be extended and attached to a sub-base, it is a tubing module which permits the installer to simply roll out as many as six equivalent lengths of tubing simultaneously. Advantages over typical installations include reduced installation time, tubing securement method guarantees desired tubing spacing, pre-pressurized tubing eliminates downtime, pre-engineered design taking the guesswork out of installation and no balancing needed due to same circuit lengths.

Case in point, the system is having a significant impact on a large job near Sacramento. There, the California Military Dept. is building a 232,000-sq.—ft. facility that when completed, will bring together a variety of demilitarized departments under one roof. A total of 344 Climate Mats, ranging from 20 ft. to 200 ft. in length, are being used. Each mat is 5-ft. wide, so a single roll can cover as much as 1,000 sq. ft. Because of the massive size of the project, it was split into nine sections, some larger than others, depending on the shape and location. In all, 198,022 sq. ft. of Climate Mat will be installed for heating
and cooling.

Judge’s Comment: “Points for innovation in the installation department.”

Judge’s Comment: “For a radiant system, Viega’s Climate Mat seems pretty darn easy to install. I must admit, my first concern was about durability, but it also sounds like it has held up. Great to hear.”

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