Urban Get Together

June 10, 2021

“Vertical Vigo,” incorporating Thyssenkrupp Elevator’s moving sidewalk system, won Elevator World’s 2021 Project of the Year. The mechanical ramp system of Gran Via, in Vigo, Spain, connects neighborhoods, increases accessibility and improves pedestrian mobility in the city’s hilly topography. More so, it allows the city’s urban planners to recover spaces, and make the city more compact by connecting areas in a new way.

With the ambition of making the city an example, in terms of accessibility, environmental sensibility and economic growth, the solution consists of six ramps protected by a customized cover that emulates the colors of the rainbow. With a length of 9.6 m, up to 48 m, the corridors are capable of moving between 6,000 and 7,300 people per hour.

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