When the EIFS exterior of the Jackson Rancheria Casino Resort’s hotel began failing, the Jackson, Calif., facility’s operators decided to use the needed replacement as an opportunity for a façade upgrade. Designers with JAX Kneppers Assocs. Inc. of Walnut Creek, Calif. opted for a rainscreen system, featuring aluminum wall panels in three earth-tone finishes. Varying the depths of the panels created the illusion of pilasters at corner and column locations, while ventilated panels were installed over each room’s air-conditioning units to camouflage their appearance. Perforated panels embellished with the hotel’s logo add visual interest and provide a dramatic backdrop to an adjacent concert venue.

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Today, Eldorado is recognized as a leader in quality and innovation in the U.S. and around the world. Eldorado Stone, LLC is headquartered in Oceanside, CA, and currently operates...

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