Undulating Fins Emulate the Flow of Water

Reflecting its Chicago River waterfront location, undulating fins fabricated from ALUCOBOND Plus aluminum composite material from 3A Composites USA emulate the flow of water at a new Lincoln Yards revitalization development near Lincoln Park. Designed by SOM, tenant anchor C.H. Robinson, a global third-party logistics provider, has settled 1,000 employees in the 4-story facility seeking LEED Gold certification.

The undulating fins were created with approximately 28,240 sq. ft. of 4-mm ACM in a custom Sunlight Silver Mica color. Creating shade on the glass curtainwall, this reduces solar heat gain and glare for optimized daylighting.

“When light hits the silver, it looks even brighter and almost gleams in the sun. As light hits the Chicago River, it bounces back so that you can see the river reflected on all floors of the building. The sparkling reflections and water movement are very beautiful,” explains Jorge Rovira, AIA, associate, SOM architects.

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