Tallest Passive House Building Features Unique Colored Facade

Aug. 12, 2019

As the tallest passive house building in the world at 26 stories, The House at Cornell Tech, designed by Handel Architects, features an innovative system of prefabricated metal panels. Triple-pane windows, mineral wool insulation and air and vapor barriers were factory-sealed into large, single-story curtainwall assemblies and then hoisted on to the building as fully integrated units. The super-tight insulation, combined with highly efficient heating, cooling and fresh-air circulation systems, reduces energy consumption by 70%, as compared to conventional designs.

To really make the design pop, Handel worked with PPG to custom color the façade with Duranar MXL coatings. “We were looking for a paint that would be dynamic—one that would add depth and life to the façades,” adds Deborah Moelis, principal, Handel Architects, New York City. 

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