Sustainable Form and Function

GROHE recently received Gold certification for three faucets and a shower set, including the BauEdge S-Size, Eurosmart S-Size, Eurosmart Kitchen and the Tempesta shower rail set. The sustainable impact of the faucets is further enhanced with GROHE’s SilkMove ES technology, which prevents the unnecessary use of hot water by supplying only cold water with the faucet lever in the middle position.

“Gold level certification is a strong validation of GROHE’s commitment to transforming its products and business model from linear to circular,” stated Dr. Christina Raab, vice president of strategy and development, Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute. “By using the Cradle to Cradle Certified Product Standard to optimize the sustainability of the faucets and shower rail set, GROHE is establishing a new benchmark within the sanitary industry for the design and delivery of products that are safe, circular and responsibly made.”

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