Steel Coating Gains Attention from World Architecture Festival

Aug. 27, 2018

Designed by Stockholm-based Utopia Arkitekter, “Skýli” or Skyline, is a prototype emergency hiking cabin meant to serve Reykjavik’s remote areas. It features a sharp-angled roof augmented with GreenCoat color-coated steel from SSAB, a Nordic/U.S.-based steel company. SSAB is always in search of innovative architects who work with sustainable materials and currently offers the only coating product on the market that replaces fossil-based oils with Swedish rapeseed oil. GreenCoat color-coated steel provides additional resistance to corrosion and scratches, and lengthens color retention. Furthermore, it provides specifiers with a significantly lighter material compared to alternative solutions. GreenCoat steels have a low-temperature elongation to guarantee a clean look without buckling or deformation. The design for the cabin has been short-listed for the World Architecture Festival Award in the category, “Leisure-Led Development—Future Projects.” 

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