Scandinavian Style and High Performance

Supporting OZ Architecture’s Scandinavian-inspired style and net-zero-ready design for the Finnish company Vaisala’s new North American headquarters in Louisville, Colo., are Tubelite curtainwall and window wall systems.

Thermally broken aluminum framing, low-E insulated glass and Tubelite’s PTB120 Thermal Pressure Plate supplied by Deceuninck further support the building envelope’s sustainability and energy-efficiency goals. Tubelite’s 400T thermal curtainwall enclose a double-height, daylit atrium and reception area, and 900RW Thermal Window Wall provide views from the offices, training area and conference rooms.

Combining Deceuninck’s fiber-reinforced polymer thermal pressure plate with warm-edge spacers, the curtainwall can achieve a system U-Factor of 0.32. The system’s expanded thermal break and thicker gasketing also improves condensation resistance and delivers industry-leading air, water, structural and acoustic performance.

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Today, Eldorado is recognized as a leader in quality and innovation in the U.S. and around the world. Eldorado Stone, LLC is headquartered in Oceanside, CA, and currently operates...

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