Custom Fluropon SR

Aug. 26, 2021
© Tim Hursley

Designed to recreate the green-gold metallic finish of a 1967 Mustang Shelby Cobra GT500 sports car, Sherwin-Williams created a customized coating per Marlin Blackwell Architects’ specifications for Thaden School in Bentonville, Ark. Featuring the “Reels” film and production studio, and the “Wheels” physics and mechanics building, rainscreen metal panels from Morin are finished with the Fluropon SR—a 70% PVDF resin-based architectural coating with solar-reflective pigments. The specialty coating helps resist heat absorption and supports the buildings’ energy efficiency ENERGY STAR, LEED and Cool Roof Rating Council program criteria.

The campus also took cues from the region’s chicken farms, which tend to orientate E-W with multiple structures. Split to become a Y-shaped plan, the Reels building has an E-W orientation to control solar gain; its folded form creates ever-changing light conditions.

For more information, click here.


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