Rapid Prototyping: No Drop in the Bucket

Jan. 3, 2019

A winner of a Beazley Design of the Year award, Rapid Liquid Printing (RLP), invented by members of the MIT Self-Assembly Lab and Steelcase, was recognized for its ability to manufacture 3D parts within a gel suspension. RLP physically draws in a 3D space within a gel suspension, and enables the creation of large scale, customized products made of real-world materials.

It can produce structures in a matter of minutes and is designed for large-scale products, such as the ability to print an entire piece of furniture using real-world, industrial-grade materials. The annual prize and exhibition curated and hosted by the Design Museum in London has included previous winners such as IKEA and UNHCR’s Better Shelter, the London 2012 Olympic Torch and the Barack Obama Hope poster. Now in its tenth year, the award was presented at an exclusive dinner held inside the stunning central atrium of the Design Museum in Kensington. 

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