Performance and Comfort

Jan. 10, 2022

The deluxe, wall-mounted, single-zone system with hyper-heating INVERTER plus (H2i plus) technology is a game-changer in terms of performance, comfort, and indoor air quality. Comprised of the MSZ-FS deluxe wall-mounted indoor unit and MUZ-FS heat pump outdoor unit, the deluxe wall-mounted H2i plus system is designed for use in residential and light commercial applications. The system is ideal for the coldest climates with 100% heating capacity down to -5°F. The indoor units are also available in an extensive range of sizes, including 6, 9, 12, 15 and 18 KBTU/H, and are compatible with single- or multi-zone outdoor units. The indoor units also come with an improved, remote control featuring a backlit display with easy-to-read operation modes. Additionally, all single-zone models are ENERGY STAR certified.

Judge’s Comment: “Kudos for energy efficiency, IAQ and good acoustics.”

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