Outdoor Accents Expanded

May 11, 2021

[img src="A"]Designed to deliver timeless beauty and tested strength into any outdoor space, the Outdoor Accents line  of connectors and fasteners, from Simpson Strong-Tie, deliver the flexibility to build a wide range of custom outdoor spaces. The newest addition, the APBDW Outdoor Accents decorative post wrap enhances the appearance of post base connections and adds design flair by enclosing them in an offering that fits around most nominal 4x4 and 6x6 post bases. Originally developed for the MPBZ moment post base, the APBDW decorative post wrap accommodates other post bases from Simpson Strong-Tie, including the CBSQ, ABUZ, ABWZ and ABAZ (screw and nail application only). In addition, it can be used without a base and simply wrapped around a post.

Fabricated in black composite, the APBDW features the arched profile of the Outdoor Accents Mission Collection Style. The four-piece cover easily screws together outside the post base (screws included), and there’s no need to drill into the post.

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