Multi-Featured System

March 16, 2022

Not only is TOTO USA’s Drake Transitional toilet WaterSense certified, but its unique design as a lip with a lid also serves as a temporary storage shelf. The 1.28 gallons per flush button activates a proprietary dual-nozzle water propulsion system creating 360 degrees of dynamic bowl cleansing action, thereby cleaning the bowl with less water. The highly efficient system has a “Highly Recommended” rating on the Maximum Performance Test for successfully removing 1,000 grams of solid waste with a single flush. The bowl and rim are coated with a CEFIONTECT nano-technology glaze, sealing the porcelain with an ionized barrier, which creates a super-slippery, non-porous surface that repels stains, residue, scaling and lime buildup. It is also available as a WASHLET+ model, providing an under-the-rim rinse.

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