A Kit of Parts

Aug. 6, 2021

Project Frog’s new metal building is a 4,000-sq.-ft. structure with four classrooms. Two of the four classrooms can be converted into a single, larger space. Architects can freely design both the interior and exterior façade as desired, contributing to the design flexibility of the solution. DSA pre-check approval is expected in the coming months.

This new building is part of the company’s componentized Kit-of-Parts system enabling the design and deployment of buildings in short time frames, ideal for the limited build windows associated with schools.

Project Frog’s light gauge steel wall panels are flexible and forgiving to work with, making them easy to assemble while still offering a high level of fabrication accuracy. This allows users to speed the build process without sacrificing quality or increasing costs. With a high level of durability, steel components stand up against elements, such as weather and pests, maintaining integrity and requiring little, if any, annual maintenance, so value is maintained over the life of the building. Finally, metal components also have a low percentage of waste, reducing overall project expense.

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