Singapore's Jeweled Dome

Oct. 25, 2019

Singapore’s Jewel Changi Airport, designed by Safdie Architects, is a spectacular multi-faceted glass dome covering 1.7 million sq. ft. of terraced gardens, retail and restaurant space, lodging, terminal operations with the world’s tallest indoor waterfall and a suspended glass-bottomed bridge. Incorporating more than 550,000 sq. ft. of Vitro’s Solarban 70 glass, the glazing not only lights up the terminal, but supports the indoor plant life, and offers good acoustics at one of the world’s busiest airports. More than 9,000 triangles of the double-glazed glass were fabricated, with no more than two units shaped in the same way. A 16-mm air space between the two panels in the insulating glass units was specified to insulate against aircraft noise. 

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