Hurricane Resistant

June 10, 2021

Enhancing its StormMax storefront system, Oldcastle BuildingEnvelope’s new hurricane-resistant system provides on-demand product evaluation documents for both Florida and Texas, to facilitate installation and approval. The FG-5700, FG-5750 and FG-5750T systems include additional infill options, 12-ft. frame heights and simplified anchoring. Combined with both inside and outside glazing options, as well as pre-glazing, the systems offer maximum flexibility, and have been tested to Florida Building Code standards, particularly for High Velocity Hurricane Zones, to offer Category 5 protection. The line replaces OBE’s FG-5000, FG-5100 and FG-5100T storefront systems. The systems have been tested to Florida Building Code Standards, as well as for High-Velocity Hurricane Zones, to offer Category 5 protection.

Pictured is the Wolfe Center for the Collaborative Arts at Bowling Green State University in Bowling Green, Ohio. It contains classrooms and production and studio spaces for students and faculty in the School of Art, the Department of Theater and Film, and the College of Musical Arts, designed by Snøhetta.

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