A Flowing Wave

Oct. 28, 2021

The Northwest ISD (NISD) Aquatic Center in Justin, Texas is a multiuse facility that includes a 71-yard stretch competition pool, four-lane 25-yard practice pool, seating for 850 guests and a full-service sports medicine rehabilitation center. To improve the user experience and minimize acoustical issues that are common to indoor pools, pinta acoustic’s WHISPERWAVE and SONEX Valueline acoustic panels in custom colors were installed in the new 80,000-sq.-ft. facility. Most people have experienced the echo in indoor pools that leads to difficulty hearing and understanding swimmers, coaches and lifeguards, which can pose a safety risk. The panels absorb sound energy from coaching, raised voices from enthusiastic participants and spectators, buzzers and music. The acoustic panels prevent sound waves from bouncing between hard planes such as concrete, glass and the water surface, which is a significant source of sound reverberation.

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