Fire-rated Systems

Dec. 14, 2021

Vetrotech Design Solutions (VDS) is a complete line of code-compliant, fire-rated system assemblies, including smoke barriers and doors. These comprehensive solutions bring together framing, doors and glazing for an all-in-one fire-rated barrier. Special glazing and door solutions with fire-resistant characteristics are not only made of fire-resistant glass, but are part of holistic, tried and tested life-safety systems. Vetrotech offers a special range of these fire system solutions to provide protection in escape routes and compartmentalize fire to limit the harmful effects of fire and smoke to building occupants. Partitions include fire-protective, fire-resistive and hollow-metal applications, doors and curtainwalls; all partitions include attack-, bullet- and blast-resistance options.

VDS offers advanced fire and safety-rated glass technology with an all-in-one complete modular system, while maintaining a world of design possibilities. Rather than receiving the individual components of a framing system, which require time and labor to cut and assemble on-site, VDS’s comprehensive system, complete with hardware, saves teams from ordering each component separately, and also guarantees that any design looks great and meets all code requirements.

Judge’s Comment: “VDS’s industry-first, third-party verified LCA and EPDs acknowledgement proves their commitment to sustainability.”

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