Creating a Splash

May 6, 2019

As a multilayered, ultra-thin 0.25-in. (6-mm) decorative laminate that emits light evenly across its surface, LumiSplash has impressive impact-, scratch-, chemical- and abrasion-resistant properties. LumiSplash is the first ultra-thin, lighted laminate system with no air gap required for LEDs. This system uses a Light Bar and Light Guide Panel to produce luminance across a translucent surface. Using this system, it combines art with lighting in a durable laminate, creating a unique focal point for any home or business. It comes with necessary electrical components to simply plug into a 110-volt receptor or it can also be hardwired for permanent installations by a local electrician. It is suitable for most vertical and horizontal applications where other decorative laminates could be used. 

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