Bold Stone Looks

Feb. 9, 2022

Injecting a bold look of rich stone into any application, Daltile’s Couture Collection features decorative, large-scale porcelain slabs with striking patterns. Daltile’s Sapphire Status has a sapphire blue and black marble background accented by prominent white and gold veining on a 10-ft. 6-in. × 5-ft. 3-in. slab. Suitable for walls, flooring and countertops, this product offers the visual and style of natural stone, with the durability, cleanability and attractive price point of porcelain.

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Eldorado Stone Inspiration Galleries

For over 50 years, Eldorado Stone has demonstrated an undeniable passion for creating authentic products that elevate not only quality and design but also attainability.

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Today, Eldorado is recognized as a leader in quality and innovation in the U.S. and around the world. Eldorado Stone, LLC is headquartered in Oceanside, CA, and currently operates...

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