Bacteria Be Gone

Jan. 6, 2021

Schindler Ultra UV PRO and Schindler CleanRail handrail solutions are added safeguards for facilities to help counter the spread of bacteria and viruses via high-touch surfaces like escalator and moving walk handrails. Schindler Ultra UV PRO is installed inside the equipment, working in the background 24/7 to deliver germicidal ultraviolet (UV-C) light to treat handrails at a short distance, directly damaging the genetic material of the bacteria or virus in an efficient and environmentally-friendly way.

Schindler CleanRail functions as an additive that is infused into the thermoplastic polyurethane body of escalator and moving walk handrails, inhibiting bacterial functioning and growth. These enhancements are offered as upgrades to both existing and new installations of escalators and moving walkways. Its equipment enhancements can be used individually or combined. Both handrail solutions provide physical sanitization with no harmful chemicals or heavy metal residue on the railing or in Schindler’s waste or water supplies.

Judge’s Comment: “Seamless and smart solution.”

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