'Athleisure' at the Office

Aug. 29, 2018

Movement, action and performance are what we expect from athletes and now they are a desirable quality in the corporate environment. PFRM from Carnegie is a collection of sport-forward designs based on technical performance fabrics expected in athletic realms combined with the desired refined, flattering and aesthetic found in today’s “athleisure” wardrobes. Carnegie unveiled its collaboration with Gensler design principal, Lee Pasteris, to NeoCon audiences last June where the design concept in performance fabrics for furniture garnered rave reviews. The collaboration between Carnegie and Gensler produced a playful collection of fabrics that takes its cues from the flexibility, durability, textures and colors of today’s athletic wear. Seven patterns hit the sweet spot in contemporary office environments—the collection not only simulates the high-performance qualities in athletic wear, but also hones in on symbolic attitudes such as team spirit, connectivity and fair play. And notably, the collection stays true to Carnegie’s commitment to product health, and PVC-free products and manufacturing processes. 

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