Arctic Spectacle

June 10, 2021
Tormod Amudsen © Biotope

Located in the northeast corner of Norway overlooking the Barents Sea, the Domen Viewpoint allows tourists unparalleled views. Designed by Biotope Architects, the dome consists of three small buildings designed with a steel frame, clad with whitewashed pine panel and Norwegian-made Kebony wood on the inside. The structure has been stylishly designed in white to blend with the winter landscape experienced for half of the year, while the interiors are sustainably clad with Kebony wood.

Highly resistant to wear and weathering, Kebony requires no maintenance beyond normal cleaning, and adopts a beautiful silver-gray patina over time. The Kebony process modifies sustainably sourced softwoods by heating the wood with furfuryl alcohol—an agricultural byproduct. By polymerizing the wood’s cell wall, the softwoods permanently take on the attributes of tropical hardwood.

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