Acoustic Abilities

July 8, 2019

Kirei offers a series of systems that enable uniform mounting of acoustic panels with a variety of reveals between panels. The kit allows for easy and attractive installation of Kirei’s EchoPanel product line. EchoPanel is a decorative, acoustically absorbent panel with a felt-like finish, made from 100% pet plastic containing up to 60% post-consumer content. The product’s range of options in terms of thickness, color, pattern and form allow for a high level of customization. Systems from wps hardware keep all panels on the same plane without shimming; each style is outfitted with interlocking clips and extrusions, guiding the panels into position. Hardware options include the Shadowline, Universal Architectural, Open Reveal, and Recessed Reveal systems from wps. Trim finish options available include Clear Satin Anodized, Bronze Anodized, Black Anodized and Powder Coated. 

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