Visual Soundscape—Acoustic Art

Aug. 10, 2021

The addition of the AKUART line of high-design acoustic art by Kirei provides architects and designers with sustainably-driven acoustic solutions that prioritize beauty and functionality. Made from green materials, AKUART’s four framed acoustic design elements—“On The Wall’ acoustic wall panels; ‘Hang With Me’ suspended panels; ‘Stand By Me’ free standing wall screens; and ‘Shelter Me’ acoustic desk screens —allow designers to select from a variety of art, including solid colors, pre-existing art, or custom images. Each canvas is machine washable, bleach-cleanable and can be printed on with high-resolution images and graphics as art, wayfinding, and interior accents. The absorber beneath the canvas is a high NRC (0.9), low VOC, Class A fire treated sound absorbing PET panel placed within a durable, coated aluminum frame.

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